Hong Kong Stock Market News | HORIZON CD Soars Over 15%: Institutions Believe Recent Sell-off is Unjustified, Recommends Buying at Current Low LevelsThe People's Bank of China: Today, it lowered the reserve requirement ratio for financial institutions by 0.5 percentage points, releasing long-term funds of approximately 1 trillion yuan.Hong Kong Stock Market News | New Oriental EDU & Tech surges over 6% in early trading, recently becoming the focus of attention again. Institutions claim to have raised their views on mainland education stocks.美联储主席鲍威尔称将谨慎降息,他的采访全文来了Hong Kong Stock Market News | COUNTRY GARDEN opens nearly 5% higher, with over 30 projects entering the real estate "white list".New York Community Bank Plunges, Will Medium-Sized Banks in the US Be Affected?这么多欧洲人愿自掏腰包买 “减肥神药” 诺和诺德都惊讶了Tech frenzy in the US stock market, while oil giants "splurge", cannot hide their embarrassmentBreakfast | Fed Chairman reiterates unlikely to cut interest rates in March, BABA-SWR rumored to consider selling some consumer industry assetsHong Kong Stock Exchange Announcement: Acquisition of all shares of Zcool.com to enhance MiracleVision's competitive advantage in visual modeling.US Stocks Expected to Deliver Strong Q4 Earnings, but is the Bull Market Safe?王者归来,​华为手机重夺销量第一!大中华区销量大幅下滑,苹果急了?公募基金 “权力榜” 揭晓:蚂蚁难,追赶蚂蚁更难The rise in the US stock market has become more concentrated, but the leaders have changed: Berkshire Hathaway, Eli Lilly, and AMD have replaced Tesla, Apple, and Alphabet-C.Monthly market value soars nearly $300 billion! NVIDIA is "red hot"Meta Platforms sets a new template for high valuations in tech stocks! Wall Street: Want AI, want profits, and starting to seek dividends!美国 “软着陆” 到 “不着陆”?这对市场意味着什么?“躺平” 的苹果,凭什么享受 30 倍 PE?【会议纪要】渣打王昕杰:2024 年美联储将走向何方?苹果 Vision Pro,全球首拆!连锁餐饮的 2023:期待与失落外媒:美参院推迟审议涉生物技术中企法案Vision Pro 开卖炸出各种显眼包!开车/健身/过马路操作秀翻天,AI 大牛 Karpathy 发千字亲测体验Big news is coming: Google Bard is rumored to be renamed Gemini, Ultra 1.0 is more powerful but comes with a fee, and Android apps will also be available.美媒再爆猛料:马斯克与特斯拉董事一起吸毒德银:今年美联储降息幅度可能远低于市场预期,重演 1995 年钉钉推出苹果 Vision Pro 原生应用,上线手势标注、超级表情等功能The stronger the financial reports of tech giants, the higher NVIDIA's stock rises!铁娘子发动了一场巨变Multiple regions follow up on the intensive implementation of the "white list" for real estate financing."Big Tech Four" instead of "Big Tech Seven"! Why is the US stock market getting narrower as it rises?Track Hyper | NVIDIA: In addition to Hynix, we also need Micron's HBM3E库克:不确定 Vision Pro 头显在中国上市具体时间,但是很快了消息称阿里旗下菜鸟最快一季度香港上市 但募资规模或缩水至不足 10 亿美元七巨头主导美股!意味着科网泡沫又来了?相伴十年,银泰或被 “阿里商业” 踢出局?招商证券国际:料阿里巴巴上季收入增速放缓至 6.2%,淘天集团增速不及预期2023 中国智能平板出货量涨 1.8% 小米大涨近 40%Hyper Racetrack | Meta Platforms' Self-developed Inference Chip: Deployment to be Completed This YearTesla falls behind! Wall Street discusses: Who will replace the "Tech Seven Sisters"?EUV 光刻,终成主角!AI Boosts Global Cloud Computing Industry with Record Growth in Q4Tech, energy, and healthcare industries outperform expectations, making this earnings season in the US stock market "unexpectedly strong."Track Hyper | NVIDIA enjoys a feast? Intel still faces challengesVision Pro officially launched, Cook sent a message: ushering in a new era of spatial computingJD Procurement and Sales urgently recruits the next "Dong Yuhui" | Jianzhi Research