跨境 ETF 再添新员,道琼斯工业 ETF 今日上市美团启动架构调整 提升科技与境外业务优先级"Market leader" Goldman Sachs issues rare warning: Minor pullback in US stocks could trigger a major declineAmazon plans to launch an AI shopping assistant called Rufus exclusively for mobile users.日特估不够香?日本散户大举涌入印度股市Hong Kong Stock Market News | BILIBILI-W surges over 6%, leading the gaming stocks. Import game licenses for February have been released, including multiple console games.Meta 高管:未来几年需要投资更多来支持 AI 业务安踏体育涨近 5% 旗下亚玛芬美股 IPO 首日涨超 3%Meta Platforms has released its "strongest earnings report in history" and has also announced its "first-ever dividend"! The market is ecstatic about it.库克称苹果不向 Masimo 低头 AppleWatch 没有血氧仍有很多卖点美国现货比特币 ETF 期权获得监管批准可能需要数月时间 -- 消息人士传英伟达中国特供 AI 芯片开始预订 价格与华为昇腾 910B 相当Amazon's operating profit increased by 38%, dispelling doubts! Generative AI gradually integrates into core products.库克:苹果活跃设备装机量超 22 亿台 将一如既往地追求突破性创新Breakfast | Meta Platforms, Amazon's impressive performance reignites the rally in US stocks, Vision Pro goes on sale in the US today.Apple's Q4 revenue returned to growth, but the decline in revenue in Greater China was worse than expected, causing the stock to drop more than 3% after hours.Bank of America: Institutional investors are withdrawing from US stocks at an unprecedented rateIn the fourth quarter, Meta Platforms' monthly active users reached 3.07 billion, slightly exceeding analysts' expectations of 3.06 billion. Meta Platforms' stock rose 5.4% after the market closed.Amazon's operating profit for the fourth quarter was $13.21 billion, exceeding analysts' expectations of $10.49 billion. It is expected that net sales for the first quarter will be between $138 billion and $143.5 billion, with analysts' expectations at $142.01 billion. Amazon's stock rose 0.8% after the market closed.What does the sharp drop in bank stocks from New York to Tokyo mean? A $560 billion headache1 月交付盘点:艰难的开局,不管对于谁而言Tencent Annual Conference: Ma Huateng "Injects Energy"Bybit 已向香港证监会提交虚拟资产交易平台牌照申请ICBC's top leadership changes, President Liao Lin will take over as Chairman一年烧掉 136 亿!通用无人车还是败给了技术抖音快手 “双增” 98%、辛选带货超 66 亿 直播电商年货节 “车轮战” 谁赢了?The most accurate forecaster of the US stock market for 23 years continues to be bullish: The target price of 5200 is too low for SPDR S&P 500!AI falling short of expectations? Analysts say Microsoft must see "significant growth in the future" as it dares to expand capital expenditure.Hot discussion on WSB | Amazon, Apple, Meta Platforms, the three giants' earnings are coming soonPre-market trading in US stocks: Tesla and Li Auto lead the gains! Focus on post-market earnings reports from Meta Platforms, Apple, and Amazon.Earnings Report Preview | Will Apple's Q1 performance bring new surprises after a series of setbacks?Rating Quick Look | XPeng-W, Bilibili, Eastbuy Target Price Downgraded! Microsoft Receives Positive Outlook After EarningsPerson|European Stock God: 90% of market trends come from psychology香港房屋局:针对全面 “撤辣” 建议 会考虑多项相关因素锂王也逃不开周期 | 见智研究Is New Retail a thing of the past? It is rumored that Alibaba is evaluating the sale of Intime Retail.Meituan loses 2 trillion in market valueIn January, Li Auto-W delivered a total of 31,165 new vehicles, representing a YoY growth of 105.8%.互联网大厂员工再无巨额年终奖?Woodpecker Repair submits application to Hong Kong Stock Exchange!US Stock Options | Tesla, AMD Trading Soaring! Alphabet-C, Microsoft Trading Surging!