Netflix Q4 sets a new record for net addition of paid subscribers, implying a potential price increase. After-hours trading surges over 8%.Understanding the Market | Bitcoin ETF is listed, why did Bitcoin fall instead?After ten years of car manufacturing, Apple has repeatedly lowered its goals: the electric car will not be available until at least 2028, and the autonomous driving function will be "downgraded."Chrome browser upgrade, comes with three new AI features, online posting can be AI ghostwritten比特币已从现货 ETF 获批后高点下跌逾 20%广东老牌 4S 店暴雷冲击波为什么阿里巴巴盘前大涨?蔡崇信狂买价值 1.5 亿美元股票,马云买进价值 5000 万美元股票高盛:无论市场走势如何 交易员都会在下周抛售股票Banking stocks drag down, Indian stock market experiences "Black Tuesday"TM ADR US still talking tough? TM ADR US Zhang Nan: Global electric vehicle penetration rate will only reach 30%国泰君安总裁落定, “75 后” 李俊杰正式出任并提名副董事长After surpassing Tesla, BYD has now surpassed Volkswagen.太火爆!有券商透露 “500ETF、1000ETF 已无券可借”Pre-market trading in US stocks | Weixiaoli leads the surge in Chinese concept stocks! Trump concept stocks skyrocket and plummetNovo Nordisk AS and Eli Lilly face a new competitor, will the "weight loss drug" track soon have three strong players?Rating Quick Look | Tesla, Tencent, Meituan, Target Price All Downgraded! Microsoft, BYD Receive Positive OutlookAmer Sports 上市通关 安踏至多自购 2.2 亿美元并表预期渐进Investor Profile | From earning $1 billion to downfall of a Nobel laureate理解市场 | 游戏股午后为何反弹?美銀維持騰訊買入評級 目標續睇 472 元US Stock Options | BABA-SWR trading volume halved! Tesla, NVIDIA, AMD, Apple trading volume also collectively declined!Option Jack:港股在绝望中反弹Hot discussion on WSB | Trump concept stock DWAC surges 88%, dominates the popularity chartAnalysis Report | Why has the target price for Tesla been significantly lowered?十大重仓股全部下跌,“木头姐” 今年开局不利美股继续狂欢?资深老将:90 年代 “融涨” 盛况可能再现王凤英丈夫跳槽至小鹏汽车GE's Q4 earnings report is about to be released. How does Wall Street view it?AI 炒股靠谱吗?选股回报超 40%!理解市场 | 美股创新高,但为什么很危险?Hong Kong Stock Market News | SENSETIME-W surges over 10% after releasing the new generation of its large-scale commercial language model "Shusheng - Puyu 2.0".The direction with the "least resistance" for the current gold price: downwardKUAISHOU-W Q4 Earnings Report Preview: Stronger Growth Momentum than the Industry, Profit Growth May Exceed Expectations Again亚市午盘:亚洲股市守住涨幅 港股强劲反弹巴菲特持有创纪录现金,到底说明了什么?大行评级|美银:维持腾讯 “买入” 评级 预计 Q4 经调整净利率增逾三成知名股评人:特斯拉已不配 “七巨头”,应被礼来取代降息预期降温了,美股为什么还能创新高?硅谷 AI 人才抢夺战:OpenAI 开最高 100 万刀年包,谷歌撒大额股票激励Hong Kong Stock Market News | Alibaba rises more than 5%, institutions point out that overseas expansion is still the driving force for long-term revenue and profit growth of e-commerce platforms.央广网:国常会对资本市场作最新部署 政策加码平抑市场波动引长期资金入市正当其时每日数字货币动态汇总境外 ETF 疯狂不止!易方达美国 50ETF 临时停牌Shocking financial scandal! The stock price of ADM, the leader of the "Four Major Grain Traders," has plummeted, and some short sellers have already made ten times their investment!美国 50ETF 复牌涨停 溢价率超 20%Hong Kong Stock Market Update | Tencent Surges Over 5% as "King of Glory" Opens ByteDance Live Streaming. Institutions Expect Shareholder Reduction to Enter Final Stage.李家超:政府密切留意股市波动情况 市场运作有序 未见不寻常现象