Hong Kong Stock Exchange Announcement | Rapid YoY Growth in Performance, Product Strength Enhances AIGC's Accelerated Increase in Premium Rate市场对比特币 ETF 热情消退 币价自 12 月初来首次跌破 4 万美元Attention! Hedge funds have started shorting US stocks.Gilead Sciences 大跌 10%,原因是最有前途的靶向药抗癌试验效果不佳。美股三大指数全线高开,标普 500 指数再创历史新高“失落” 的台积电日本工厂Chip stocks are booming! ASML surpasses Nestlé S.A. to become the third largest market cap in European stocks.Operator of stablecoin TerraUSD applies for bankruptcy protection! Still unwilling to give up its Web3 products.德国大众 “汉堡销车”,“中国造” 新能源车的反攻?中办、国办:完善资本市场对科技企业上市融资、并购重组等制度安排,研究适时推出科创板期权产品Pre-market US stocks | XPENG-W falls more than 7%, leading the decline in Chinese concept stocks! Intel and AMD lead the rise in semiconductor stocks.巴菲特两年前究竟为何清仓富国买入花旗?Rating Quick Look | Ideanomics, Bilibili Ratings and Target Prices All Significantly Lowered! "Buy" Tencent, "Hold" Kuaishou-WCrazy speculation on AI PCs in the US stock market! Intel, AMD, and Qualcomm join forces to challenge NVIDIA's dominant position香港证券及期货专业总会:打风开市安排应交由立法会或旗下委员会谘询《大行报告》华泰证券:港股主动资金上周流出扩大 持仓宜谨慎防御Earnings Report Preview | Stock Price Strongly Rebounds 65% Is Intel's Turning Point Here?财报前瞻 | 奈飞值得追涨吗?闲鱼开启微信收款内测小鹏再失自动驾驶大牛!吴恩达高徒王弢离职Understanding the Market | Why did Hong Kong stocks plummet?《大行报告》大摩:今年与整体新兴市场和中国相比 仍然看好日本和印度股市Investor Profile | Huang Renxun: I have experienced three failuresGPT-5 被 5 万张 H100 卡脖子!Altman 急筹数十亿美元,欲取代英伟达建起 AI 芯片帝国日本股市:日经指数创 34 年新高,跟随美股强劲涨势US Stock Options | Tesla and NVIDIA both traded over 2.4 million contracts! AMD, Apple, and Alibaba call options also surged.Hot discussion on WSB | SMCI soars 36%, up over 1140% in just over a yearHong Kong's discounted properties are on the rise!Hong Kong Stock Market Update | LI AUTO falls nearly 7%, hitting an 8-month low. Sales trend weakens as it is overtaken by competitors for two consecutive weeks.美国 50ETF 午后涨停 溢价率超 10%苹果 Vision Pro 到底有多火爆?郭明錤:首个周末预购可能达到 16 万至 18 万部大和:降哔哩哔哩评级至持有 降低目标价至 77 港元本周日本央行利率决议需关注哪些信息? 英伟达黄仁勋参加中国区年会 穿 “东北大花” 热舞亚市午盘:亚洲股市回吐部分涨幅 日本股市领涨美国股指期货触及纪录高位Bulls in the US stock market need to be cautious! According to a survey by MLIV Pulse, betting on an early interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve is considered the "most foolish" trade.Top 20 Profitable Overseas Hedge Funds in 2023: TCI Takes the Lead, Followed by Citadel* 花旗降百度目标价至 171 美元 股价回调为「买入」机会Is Huatai-PB CSOP Hang Seng Technology ETF (QDII) launching a "3000-point defense battle"?东方甄选出海或与 TikTok 合作* 麦格理削李宁目标价 38% 至 26 元 评级「跑赢大市」Hong Kong property stocks plummeted across the board, with Hang Lung Properties falling more than 6%. Morgan Stanley predicts a 10% decline in Hong Kong property prices for the whole year.恒指最新急插 334 點 失守萬五關