Net outflows from US money market funds, and usage of Fed rescue tools surges againAmazon's AWS to invest $15 bln to expand cloud computing in JapanFaster than GPT-5? Mark Zuckerberg confirms: Meta Platforms is training Llama 3每日数字货币动态汇总纳指科技股 “最拥挤交易”,对冲基金多头押注创 7 年最高!里程碑!面世 50 年后,美国被动型基金资产规模超越主动型* 富瑞:舜宇近期股价调整属买入机会网易-S 升逾 2% 据报撤回对暴雪软体着作权案诉讼Hong Kong Stock Market Update | SMIC rises over 3%, leading the chip stocks. Taiwan Semiconductor's Q4 net profit and revenue both exceed expectations.Not just an entertainment tool, Apple sees surgical procedures and training as growth areas for Vision Pro in the future.The Japanese stock market has once again entered the "overbought" zone. The last time this happened was in September last year, and the Japanese stock market subsequently fell by 9%.亚市早盘:亚洲股市上涨 科技股上涨提振市场情绪Taiwan Semiconductor "Ignites" AMD史美伦:对港股审慎乐观 着力扩展资金和投资者来源Memories of the first year of the Heisei era come flooding back! The unstoppable bull market in the Japanese stock market is getting closer and closer to the historical high point of 1989.罕见!对冲基金多头押注创近 7 年来最高,警惕纳指 100 短期调整风险Breakfast | US stocks rebound across the board, NVIDIA and AMD hit new highs together, BlackRock's Bitcoin spot ETF breaks through $1 billion.苹果回应 Masimo CEO 的说法,称:苹果手表的血氧检测功能是精确的碧桂园香港九龙城住宅项目提供低至七折优惠"Buy the rumor, sell the fact" Bitcoin falls to its lowest level since the approval of ETF.EU antitrust regulator intends to block Amazon's iRobot acquisition - WSJ比特币加持下美国 ETF 市场 “火爆” 2024 年开局破纪录Tech stocks support the rebound of the US stock market, Taiwan Semiconductor's earnings report is expected to be positive, chip stocks rise more than 3%, NVIDIA and AMD hit new all-time highs together.In the midst of a wave of skepticism, there is a contrarian optimism! Bank of America has upgraded Apple's rating and predicts that the stock price will rise by more than 20%.Since the listing of the Bitcoin spot ETF, it has been falling every day! BlackRock breaks through $1 billion.贝莱德比特币现货 ETF 率先突破 10 亿美元门槛 富达投资紧随其后摩根大通:为避免 “流动性危机” 重演,美联储该考虑停止 QT 了US stock index futures mostly rise, Chinese concept stocks surge before the market, European stocks rise across the board从石油到旅游,巴菲特持续加码通胀Rate cut expectations shattered? Goldman Sachs: We remain optimistic袁骏:详解外汇交易的主要工具——期货/Cash/Option中国式 TAMP「等风来」Earnings increase by 1640 times in 3 years! What are his operating skills?香港证监会和警方告诫公众提防 Aramex 及 DIFX 的涉嫌虚拟资产相关欺诈行为GUM: As of January 15th, the average loss per person in Hong Kong's Mandatory Provident Fund was HKD 3,184.JD is firing at PDD again.商务部:中方反对有关国家干涉半导体正常贸易GPT-5 首次曝光后,Altman:现在最重要的事就是 GPT-5每日投行/机构观点梳理国家发改委:抓紧出台政策 全面取消制造业领域外资准入限制措施国家发改委:今年要下大力气改善居民收入预期、提高消费能力、增强消费意愿国家发改委:将强化政策实施过程中的一致性 加强政策实施过程中潜在风险的分析研判美联储爆锤降息预期,美股最惨的是地产股"OpenAI's formidable rival" closely follows in the footsteps of OpenAI and intends to embed image analysis capabilities into Claude.阿里巴巴国际站将上线半托管业务,瞄准内贸商家出海