颠覆 GPU、打倒英伟达!深扒 12 家 AI 芯片独角兽Pre-market Update: Li Auto Falls, NVIDIA Rises! Coinbase Leads the Cryptocurrency Stock Market Plunge夺回 “韩国老二” 位置后,“HBM 王者” 海力士 CEO 豪言:AI 时代,市值三年翻番理解美联储下一步的关键,“新政策目标”:流动性?Rating Quick Look | BABA-SWR target price continuously lowered! NIO-SW rating also downgraded抖音:2023 年生活服务到店订单增长 179%字节跳动回应懂车帝将成独立公司:基于业务正常发展需要Hong Kong Stock Market Closing (01.10) | Hang Seng Index fell 0.57%, healthcare and catering stocks rose against the trend, HAIDILAO led the blue-chip stocks.约十家基金公司筹备在香港推出虚拟资产现货 ETFUS Stock Options | NVIDIA and Tesla regain the title of call option trading champions! Alibaba calls and Boeing puts continue to be hotAI chip demand support! Taiwan Semiconductor Q4 revenue exceeds expectations, on par with historical highs理解市场 | 英伟达为什么还很便宜?张忆东:2024 年投资主线是寻找 “卷王”!“AI 进化时间表” 会是怎样?这是对 2778 名顶尖 AI 研究员的调查Bank of America's Top 10 Predictions for 2024: Japanese stocks lead developed markets, "geopolitical risks" put pressure on tech giants小米 SU7 什么时候正式发布? 小米汽车回应亚市午盘:亚股多数走弱 日本股市逆市走强 比特币反弹理解市场 | 警惕美股今年大跌 17%!BABA-SWR reveals a new trump card字节与腾讯进一步破冰,传抖音直播即将试水《王者荣耀》富瑞:维持阿里巴巴-SW“买入” 评级 目标价下调至 128 港元Investors are not buying it, as the number of ESG fund issuances has significantly decreased.董宇辉新号首播卖超 1 亿元 第三方:销售额近东方甄选四倍The Federal Reserve's emergency bank rescue tool (BTFP) may not be renewed upon maturity!每日数字货币动态汇总中国十年期国债收益率跌破 2.5% 意味着什么?Hong Kong Stock Market Update | WUXI BIO rises over 4%, leading the CRO concept. Overseas CRO order indicators improve while domestic demand is still bottoming out.Hong Kong Stock Market News | EVERG VEHICLE drops over 7% again, Executive Director Liu Yongzhuo detained, Newton Group's subscription agreement has become invalid.港股异动 | BC 科技集团跌超 7% SEC 辟谣尚未批准比特币 ETF 比特币拉升后跳水港股数字货币概念股回调 SEC 账号被盗谎称比特币 ETF 获批港股煤炭股多数上涨 南戈壁涨超 6%* 大和降阿里目标价至 108 元 下调第三财季收入增长预测This year has already seen a 9% increase, and NVIDIA is still the most bullish large-cap stock in 2024.亚市早盘:亚洲股市涨跌互现 日本股市续创阶段新高美 SEC 前地区主管:“假官宣” 事件将为加密货币爱好者提供口实董宇辉新账号首播 GMV 超过 1 亿元人币 单场涨粉近 300 万港股概念追踪 | 开年掀起开工潮!多地敲定重大项目 基建投资增速或将延续回升态势 (附概念股)"AI on PC", Intel CES vows to counterattack NVIDIA and Qualcomm解读公司 | 字节为什么显然被低估了?港股概念追踪 | 重磅!阿尔茨海默病新药在华获批 药物研发、诊断产业链值得关注 (附概念股)Breakfast | SEC social media account hacked, causing massive cryptocurrency liquidation, Bank of America customers flee US stocks with over $2 billion.Beware of "Black Swans"! Bank of America lists the "Top Ten Unexpected Events" to watch for in 2024.币圈大乌龙!美国 SEC X 账户被盗,并发布比特币 ETF 获批虚假推文Samsung Electronics issues profit warning, chip stocks under pressure, S&P falls, NVIDIA hits new all-time high, Bitcoin surges and then plunges after ETF drama