"Wall Street's number one" rarely faces criticism! Odeon Capital downgrades JPMorgan Chase's rating.Apple's Q3 revenue has declined for four consecutive quarters, the longest in 22 years. The outlook for the next quarter is not optimistic, with a 4% drop in after-hours trading. | Earnings ReportCitadel and other major institutions warn: Is the bear market in the US bond market over? Too optimistic!In the third quarter, global pension funds all suffered losses.标普和纳斯达克 100 指数上涨 1.5%,苹果涨 1.7%,特斯拉涨 5%,星巴克涨 10%AI demand is booming! Big data analytics company Palantir's third-quarter profit hits a new 20-year high, with its stock price soaring 16% in pre-market trading.Market enthusiasm may be premature. Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, warns that inflation is sticky and the Federal Reserve may even raise interest rates by 75 basis points.Global markets rise in response, full text of Powell's speech last night! (Chinese-English comparison)因为一句话,港股餐饮股崩了?1.3 亿拿下海外酒店,海底捞在找增量?超过 250 万部!苹果第三季度在印度智能手机出货量创历史新高"Miracle weight loss drug" in high demand! Novo Nordisk Q3 revenue and profit reach new highs | Earnings Report特斯拉又一大事件!重磅全新车型月底交付,涉及多个黑科技Market value of 16.4 billion! "Pre-packaged food" manufacturer Guoquan listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange today.瑞银:下调腾讯目标价至 419 港元 评级买入Wall Street sentiment index is close to release "buy" signal, S&P 500 may rise 16% next year.Strong signals of recovery, why are US chip stocks still hovering below summer highs?谁能颠覆英伟达?Historical drop in stock price! Estée Lauder's share price has plummeted.New Stock Performance: Guoquan opens at 5.98 yuanOffice AI pre-order is now available! Microsoft has announced pricing: $30 per month, with a minimum order of 300 accounts.丰田汽车将为其美国工厂大部分工人加薪近 9%Good news for the mobile phone market! Qualcomm's sales guidance for this quarter unexpectedly strengthened, with the stock rising more than 4% after hours. | Earnings Report纳斯达克 100 指数上涨 1%,成分股 AMD 涨超 6% 领跑Plunging 20%, the "world's leading offshore wind power company" has once again encountered a major setback!First sales broke records, Xiaomi 14 sold like hotcakes!Warning signals are frequent! "Weak demand" becomes a hot topic at European and American earnings conference calls.蚂蚁蚁盾在云栖大会发布 “知识交互建模引擎”New Energy Vehicle Delivery Ranking in October: NIO surpasses 40,000 units, Li Auto sees fifth consecutive month of negative YoY growth.Yen weakness boosts sales, Toyota's operating profit doubles | Earnings Report InsightsNo suspense in pausing rate hikes? Tonight, focus on the Federal Reserve.比亚迪的劲敌杀回来了人形机器人大事件,马斯克预告月底将进行 “行走测试”,行业 “0-1” 拐点提速"Honest" Tesla: After the earnings report, once again downplaying its own company, warning that mass production of Tesla is "very difficult"美国官员称中美双方原则同意在旧金山举行首脑会谈,中方回应小摩减持赣锋锂业约 141.48 万股 每股作价约 31.61 港元抄底美股的 “千载难逢” 机会来了?投资机构高喊:企业利润起飞中天风宋雪涛:金融工作会议的三个关键词资金面紧张 “只是暂时的”?央行今日净回笼 1090 亿ChatGPT 真实参数只有 200 亿,首次被微软曝光!网友:难怪 OpenAI 对开源很紧张美联储决议今夜来袭!“鹰派暂停” 已无悬念,鲍威尔将继续 “走钢丝”芒格、巴菲特为何投资苹果?Pfizer Earnings Report: Investors are only concerned about "oral weight loss medication"