U.S. stock options | Amazon, Apple options triple, Tesla, Nvidia Put active中兴通讯 H 股急速跳水,A 股逼近跌停医药反腐风暴:这次不一样医药反腐终局和生态演变:一次价值观的重塑!反腐风暴来袭,医药代表 “人心惶惶”!有业内人士:一上午所有相关微信群全被解散!蚂蚁集团旗下融资担保公司增资至 30 亿 增幅 400%Media: Douyin's GMV for the first half of the year exceeds 100 billion yuan.Hang Seng Index narrowed its decline to 0.02%. Pharmaceutical stocks fell across the board, while property stocks declined and major financial stocks experienced a pullback.Multiple individual stocks fell by more than 2%! Why did Hong Kong healthcare stocks plummet significantly?The world's largest shipping company, Maersk, warns that global trade contraction is "beyond expectations" with insufficient demand from Europe and the United States, and dark clouds loom ahead.中国内地 “史上最强” 医药反腐风暴来袭:150 多名医院院长、书记被查Century's Big Split: Alibaba Returns to the "Entrepreneurial Era"上海:直播营销平台利用算法技术,需要遵守公平、公正、透明的原则A Visual Guide to Understanding the Evolution of Alibaba's Organizational Structure!Hong Kong stocks fell again last week! The key question now is: What changes have occurred in the market?马斯克:明天将进行身体检查 可能需要进行手术微软 Edge 浏览器新功能:Bing AI 帮你重写文本新加坡股市 4 日报:美团 5 倍做空权证遭大规模抛售MEDIA-Hedge fund Point72 increases Singapore staff to 100 in expansion - Bloomberg News华尔街分析机构倾向预测更多美股上市公司下季度盈利下滑将结束理想汽车 7 月新开门店 13 家,覆盖昆山、银川、珠海、成都等Track Hyper | Huawei and Apple Enter the Field of Edge AI with Large ModelsRecruiting "Leaking Secrets"! Apple is developing AI large models to run on mobile devices instead of the cloud.Japan's "Butterfly" has stirred up a "storm" in the US bond market, impacting "global asset pricing".仿效巴菲特,马斯克称会毫不犹豫买美短债Berkshire Hathaway's operating profit in the second quarter exceeded $10 billion, making over $24 billion from "stock speculation".Senior Investor: AI has moved past the "cool" stage and is now heading towards the "what's the use" stage, learning from the experience of the Internet.Cui Dongshu: Strong global trend for new energy passenger vehicles in 2023, with a 60% market share in China from January to June.赛道 Hyper | 再下 RSIC-V 一城:高通剑指何处?The US government's debt has reached a record high of $25 trillion as the deficit worsens.Sell everything! The storm of US bonds spreads, and assets such as stocks and commodities are suffering from a wave of sell-offs.瑞幸又杀回来了亚马逊云全球副总裁:生成式 AI 正处于炒作周期,还未达顶峰重磅就业报告后美债大反弹,苹果狂泻 4.8% 拖垮美股,标普五个月来最惨周跌Alphabet-C's Victory! Downgrading of the Landmark Anti-Monopoly Lawsuit Faced by the Search Business重磅就业报告未助长 “全球资产定价之锚”,美股跌势暂歇,苹果痛失 3 万亿市值关口Zhang Yong launched a surprise attack.Be careful! The future of US tech stocks is "flashing red light"The US non-farm report signals are mixed, and the Federal Reserve sees what it doesn't want to see.Earnings Report Season in the Mysterious US Stock Market: Good Performance, But Stock Prices Don't RiseNvidia H100 GPU Supply and Demand Situation: Conservative estimate, still short of 430,000 units!Apple's "underperformance" is causing unease on Wall Street.Analysis Report | Apple, Amazon's target prices raised after earnings! SUNNY OPTICAL faces significant price cuts. Pre-market trading in US stocks | Amazon surges nearly 9%, Apple falls nearly 2%! NIO's smartphone expected to be released this quarter, market focuses on tonight's non-farm payroll data.Hong Kong stocks rose and then fell back, with the Hang Seng Technology Index up 2.06%. The film and television media and telecommunications sectors led the gains, with Bilibili rising over 6.5%.