"The 'Anchor of Global Asset Pricing' soars again, US stocks under pressure and fall again, Chinese concept stocks rebound strongly, Amazon's earnings report shines while Apple's iPhone lags behind."Apple's revenue has declined for three consecutive quarters in seven years, with iPad revenue plunging 20% more than expected and falling further after hours.Market volatility has surged, and this is not good news for the US stock market.Target price of HKD 220! MEITUAN-WR's moat remains, but short-term impact from reduction in holdingsTechnical Analysis | Apple is overbought on multiple dimensions, while Amazon offers better risk-reward ratio.Tesla China's monthly deliveries in July fell more than 31% MoM to 64,285 vehicles, reaching a new low for the year.就业数据公司挑战者:裁员受到了人工智能的影响沃伦•巴菲特:并不担心惠誉下调美国信用评级Analysis Report | AMD Rating and Target Price Significantly Raised! Is there a potential for doubling in XPeng's Hong Kong stock?Apple users deposited $10 billion with Goldman Sachs, with an annualized return rate of 4.15%! Is financial services becoming a new growth point?Pre-market trading in US stocks | Chinese concept stocks collectively rise, Paypal and Qualcomm plummet by 8%! Meta Platforms to launch second-generation smart glasses接连拿下特斯拉、宁德长单,它凭什么?| 见智研究Amazon Earnings Report Day: Cloud computing AWS is the focus, and there may also be progress in AI strategy.Earnings Report Preview | With iPhone sales dragging down, Apple's second-quarter performance is unlikely to bring any surprises.The most important earnings report of the week is here! Will Apple's Quarterly Revenue, Apple Sales Decline?Multiple indicators show an influx of foreign capital. How much room is left for the next round of Hong Kong stock market rise?Alibaba unveils open-sourced AI model similar to Meta's Llama 22023 年世界 500 强中的车企:比亚迪、特斯拉狂飙突进,东风、北汽大幅滑落美股期权 | 科技股 Call 成交降温,AMD、Shopify 期权成交放大三倍腾讯混元大模型开始应用内测,多个业务线接入测试微信 “小绿书”,闭环了Preview | Li Auto, which continues to deliver over 30,000 vehicles per month, is expected to exceed profit expectations!中金:失去流动性 “助力” 的美股会如何?"AI fever" should rest! AMD pessimism guides Fitch downgrade as chip stocks collapse en masseXiaopeng's head of autonomous driving resigns! Who could possibly be poached by Wu Xinzhou, and why is it likely to be Nvidia?Not "Fitch downgrade"? What really shakes the "anchor of global asset pricing" is the "US Treasury Tsunami"!惠誉下调美国信用评级,民主共和两党互指对方应担责Negative news keeps coming, and the rising momentum of US tech stocks hits the brakes abruptly.百度 Apollo 官宣:文心大模型有望率先落地长城、领克、smart 旗下车型EVERG SERVICES resumed trading with a significant 36.5% gap down. Pre-market trading volume reached 12.8 million yuan.Black Wednesday! These are the "final three straws" that crushed the US stock market.Frightening Global Stock Markets on "Black Wednesday"! Fitch: Downgrade Reflects Doubts about US Government's Governance Capability"Apple's Q2 earnings report, according to the 'Apple's Most Knowledgeable Analyst' Ming-Chi Kuo, is not expected to attract much attention and is unlikely to feature significant AI-related content."室温超导论文惹争议 韩国学界宣布成立验证委员会郭明錤:没有任何迹象显示苹果明年会将 AI 边缘运算与硬体产品整合Meta 发布开源 AI 工具 AudioCraft 可帮助用户创作音乐和音频The mobile phone market remains sluggish, with Qualcomm's second-quarter revenue falling 23% more than expected. The guidance is lower than expected, causing the stock to drop nearly 7% after hours. | Earnings ReportFitch's downgrade floods the news, Wall Street institutions speak out, what will happen to US stocks, the US dollar, and US bonds?The NASDAQ Composite Index fell more than 2%, marking its worst performance since February. The benchmark US bond yield reached a nine-month high, while Chinese concept stocks dropped by 4%. Commodities experienced a general decline.Overnight, it suddenly stalled! Defects in South Korean room-temperature superconductivity paper exposed, US superconductivity concept stocks plummet nearly 30%.Wall Street's first major bank! Bank of America follows closely behind the Federal Reserve and officially announces that it expects the United States to avoid a recession.137 billion super acquisition since the largest daily miscellaneous reform! Amazon wants to integrate various e-commerce platforms, and even non-Prime members can also enjoy fresh food delivery.Interpreting the People's Bank of China's work conference for the second half of the year: Interest rate cuts may be implemented earlier, and a 50 basis point reserve requirement ratio cut can be expected.