Morgan Stanley: Mainland stimulus policies need to be implemented quickly to support stock market recovery.准确率仅为 26%,OpenAI 悄然关闭 AI 文本检测工具After the market rose more than 6% vs fell more than 3%! Alphabet-C, Microsoft achievement after why "ice and fire two days"?谷歌 Play 商店即将推出基于区块链的内容政策Microsoft: Building new data centers to support AI will significantly increase costs.US Small Banks "Join Forces for Self-Help", California Bank Acquires West Pacific United Bank.美国众议院议长麦卡锡考虑对拜登进行弹劾调查中信证券:此轮人民币汇率持续贬值的拐点已现MicrosoftAlphabet-C handed in their assignments at the same time, and Alphabet-C made a stunning comeback and earned a big profit.AI lesson for Microsoft and Google: Spend money to make money中国金融时报:发挥总量和结构性货币政策工具作用,打好政策组合拳AI revenue has yet to take off, and the growth rate of cloud business continues to slow down. Microsoft's fourth quarter was lukewarm, with a post-market drop of over 4%.GPT is not to be feared! Alphabet-C's search revenue accelerated in the second quarter, and cloud business unexpectedly did not slow down. After hours, it briefly rose more than 7%.道指连涨 12 日,中概盘初强势领跑,油价涨超 1% 站稳逾三个月新高Apple is once again targeted by European antitrust regulators, this time in France.道指盘初转跌后走高,迈向连涨 12 日,中概指数涨 2% 再度强势领跑Spotify fell more than 10% in pre-market trading, with monthly active users and subscribers reaching a new high, but the performance fell short of expectations.Bear market in US stocks is imminent? Insiders become pessimistic."The 'AI Three Giants' Performance is Coming! The Rise and Fall of the US Tech Industry Controlled by AI"Hong Kong stock market sentiment quickly rebounded, focusing on three major investment themes.Pre-market trading in US stocks | Chinese internet companies surge across the board, JPMorgan Chase predicts a sell-off in US stocks, General Motors raises profit expectations again.美国红杉重组,人才团队裁员 1/3Analysis Report | Target prices for NVIDIA and Apple have been significantly raised, with XPENG-W even doubling!Microsoft's Earnings Report is imminent, and Wall Street's focus is on Azure and AI.台积电拟斥资 29 亿美元在台湾新建芯片封装厂After the 10% post-performance drop, why is Netflix's valuation high but reasonable?Alphabet-C Earnings Report Preview: Will the "AI Faith" Continue? Advertising and Cloud Revenue are KeyAlphabet-C's earnings report is about to be released, and Wall Street is raising its target price one after another.US Stock Options | Alibaba, NIO-SW, Options Trading Volume DoublesThe average order value is higher than that of Douyin and Kuaishou, indicating enormous potential for Tencent Video's e-commerce business.Chrome and Safari can now use Bing chatbots. Microsoft opens up AI to break free from closed systems.How long can the US stock market's "sky-high" prices last? Key signs have already emerged.Analyst: NVIDIA's advantage is "dominant", AI revenue will reach $300 billion in the next five years.Chinese stocks are fully in "risk-on" mode! The positive policies have ignited market sentiment, and it's time for Hong Kong stocks to strike back!伦敦大学、MetaAI、StabilityAI 联合重磅发布:这是大模型的 16 大挑战!Hengsheng Technology Soars: Index Surges 5%, XPENG-W Soars 11%, Alibaba and Tencent are also rising!Hong Kong stocks fluctuate | Real estate stocks opened higher in the morning, and the expression "housing is for living, not for speculation" was not mentioned for the first time in the July Political Bureau meeting, emphasizing changes in supply and demand.Chinese assets surge: Chinese concept stocks soar, RMB rebounds, A50 futures rise摩根士丹利首席美股策略师为过度看空道歉华泰证券:政治局会议有关地产政策和财政政策相关的表述最为超预期传德国拟拨款提振芯片生产,超七成将流入英特尔和台积电英国应用开发商就应用商店收费问题向苹果提出 10 亿美元的集体诉讼Apple considers raising the price of the new iPhone Pro