Ice and fire coexist! AI prosperity has not yet broken the sluggish state of storage chips."On the day after the establishment of the 'No Price Reduction Alliance,' a car manufacturer immediately reduced prices. SAIC Volkswagen's ID.3 saw a maximum price reduction of 23%."A pair of $700! Key component that hinders Apple Vision Pro's progress, small, expensive, and difficult to produce非农就业未消 7 月加息预期,美股涨跌不一,7 月首周势将 “开门黑”,阿里大涨 7%AI Big Models Engage in Fierce Battle! Within a Day, Giants like Huawei, Alibaba, TENCENT, etc. All Take Action监管人士预计,后续蚂蚁集团申设金控公司、申请征信等业务牌照的进度可能会加快支付宝、财付通收央行巨额罚单,分别被罚没超 30 亿和近 30 亿蚂蚁集团:诚恳接受、坚决服从浙江证监局对蚂蚁基金销售及公司总经理林思思给予警告并处罚款证监会:对蚂蚁集团处以罚款 71.23 亿元,工作重点从推动平台企业金融业务的集中整改转入常态化监管证监会:对蚂蚁集团及旗下机构处以罚款(含没收违法所得)71.23 亿元Apple plans to initially sell the Vision Pro in select regions of the United States and will only accept pre-order customers.比亚迪与滴滴旗下巴西出行平台 99 达成合作大行速睇 | 特斯拉、微软目标价获大幅上调!阿里还能涨 80%?美银策略师:加息引发的抛售将对科技股构成最大冲击美国股债性价比跌破历史新低!意味着什么?ADP Surprises, How Exciting Will Nonfarm Payrolls Be Tonight?Energy giants Q2 performance pessimistic? ExxonMobil and Shell issue consecutive profit warnings.Bank of China Cinda Asset Management: Relatively cautious view on the US stock market, recommends diversified investment to cope with macro uncertainties.前瞻 | 阿里业绩可能全面超预期!中国电商收入增速有望重回正增长启林投资创始合伙人王鸿勇:ChatGPT 取代量化投资仍存在一定难度百度袁佛玉:大模型发展的下一个前沿是突破人类极限阿里云推出大模型助手魔搭 GPT,可一键调用所有大模型 After holding it for five years, what did the "valuation master" see when he sold NVIDIA?Tesla stores may start selling cars with robots? Maybe not what you think.China's Alibaba unveils AI image generator to take on Midjourney and DALL-E京东何晓冬:大模型训练两个月成本预计在几千万人民币,对商业前景很有信心一度跌超 5%!小鹏汽车评级遭下调至 “沽出”,G6 月销量预计无法过万Tencent Cloud's MaaS platform upgraded again, unveiling the first large-scale financial risk control model.阿里云宣布推出通义万相 AI 绘画大模型OpenAI 宣布:GPT-4 将正式开放使用 本月底向新的开发人员开放 API 访问权限华润怡宝最快年内赴港 IPO 或将募资约 10 亿美元“商汤日日新” 大模型体系全面升级China to end Ant Group's regulatory revamp with fine of at least $1.1 billion特斯拉开始在中国工厂裁撤部分电池生产岗位员工 -- 彭博新闻马斯克旗下 “星链” 将为蒙古国提供高速互联网服务美股可能下跌!华尔街巨头正陆续发布风险警告一张图看懂激发美联储加息预期的美国 “小非农” 数据