李嘉诚长实集团欲夺 300 亿海景项目?两家内地房企齐喊 “手下留情”消息称 YouTube 正在测试游戏服务 Playables,同时支持网页和移动端俄罗斯多州陆续解除交通管制“武装叛乱” 指控背后:瓦格纳与俄罗斯军方的裂痕由何而来?白俄罗斯称普里戈任同意停止在俄领土行动,普里戈任称停止行进,调转方向返回营地“高加索咽喉”:“瓦格纳” 进入的这座城市,究竟有多重要?"The Last Bear" is forced to enter the market, US tech stocks "someone runs first", Bank of America: Mini-Tech Bubble Reappears.US chip stocks "across the board outage": Intel just experienced the worst week in a year, AMD and Broadcom have fallen for six consecutive weeks.OpenAI 首席执行官表态支持欧盟 AI 监管“消灭那些组织武装暴动的人!” 俄多地进入反恐行动状态特斯拉 AI 账号悄然上线:为机器人构建基础模型 下月开始生产 Dojo 超级计算机Putin: Russian armed forces have received necessary orders to eliminate those who organize armed uprisings, and will take decisive measures to restore order in Rostov.中信建投:美股估值修复难持续招商宏观:复盘 “失去的 30 年” 日本经济的特征与挑战普京发表讲话:我将尽全力保卫国家,将采取坚决措施揭秘 ChatGPT 背后的 “AI 民工”:枯燥重复、按件计酬,时薪低至 1 美元不仅错过美股大涨 基金经理或许还被迫买在了 “山顶”“瓦格纳” 部队进入罗斯托夫,乌总统办公室顾问:一切在俄罗斯刚刚开始"Reduction storm" hits Sino-US AI! After the enthusiasm, will the strongest track fall out of favor?瓦格纳 “叛乱”,已回师抵达俄南部,控制机场!普里戈任:击落俄军直升机,要推翻俄军领导层!普京已下指示,白宫回应Russia's Anti-terrorist Committee declares anti-terrorist operation in Moscow and Moscow region -RIANIO to start new ES8 delivery on Jun 28, cuts price of top trim by $1,400谁是普里戈任?从卖热狗到 “普京厨师”,再成为瓦格纳首领扎克伯格和 OpenAI 联合创始人奥特曼支持欧盟监管人工智能俄联邦安全局敦促瓦格纳士兵:勿执行普里戈任叛变命令,逮捕他瓦格纳创始人否认试图发动武装叛乱,此前公开与俄军方发生争执瓦格纳创始人被诉武装叛乱,俄国民警卫队中央区军官进入紧急状态特斯拉 FSD 暗藏彩蛋 “埃隆模式” 开启 L3 自动驾驶 时速限制下可脱手脱脚消息称 IBM 接近以 50 亿美元收购软件提供商 Apptio特斯拉 AI 账号悄然上线:Dojo 超级计算机下月开始生产英伟达 CEO 黄仁勋称,“非常有可能” 向欧洲投资。投资者会议无亮点,C3.ai 暴跌,德银重申 “卖出” 评级YouTube is testing an online-games offering - WSJ科技股 “熄火”,纳指八周连涨终结!Goldman Sachs warns: Ban on buybacks is coming, but everyone is going long.Wall Street's major banks continue to lay off employees! Goldman Sachs alone has cut 125 managing directors.媒体:马斯克的 SpaceX 将出售内部股票,公司估值料增至 1500 亿美元消息称苹果和多家银行磋商,计划在印度推出 Apple Card 信用卡业务FDIC Accidentally "Mistakenly" Discloses List of Giants Rescued in Silicon Valley Bank CrisisUS Treasury Secretary Yellen: US recession risk is decreasing, consumer spending is expected to slow down, and there will be more bank mergers.NIO-SW has teamed up with a major Middle Eastern investor