The S&P 500 hit a more than one-year high, with Tesla rising for the 13th consecutive day, while yields on European and American bonds soared by double digits.ARM 正在与苹果、谷歌等至少 10 家公司就参与 IPO 投资进行谈判TM ADR US showcases the blueprint for the "next generation" battery-powered electric vehicle with a range of 1200 kilometers and 10-minute charging, causing a surge in stock prices.邦吉称合并后盈利 40 亿美元是 "非常合理的目标48 亿元人民币被没收?小米回应贵州茅台股东大会直击:什么时候提价?什么时候提高分红率?通用汽车和三星 SDI 将投资超 30 亿美元在美国印第安纳州建电池工厂美国通胀进一步放缓,美股期货拉升,美债收益率、美元下降Did the central bank cut interest rates beyond expectations? Will MLF and LPR follow suit next?高胜率、高回报!做多恒生科技、做空纳指可行?中国大公司竞逐 GPU 字节今年向英伟达订购超过 10 亿美元 GPU美股盘前 | 今晚市场聚焦美国 CPI,瑞银下调苹果评级,Cathie Wood 买入 Meta、台积电Apple boosts India's smartphone exports, doubling the quantities.继续高歌猛进!特斯拉几乎没有利空因素美国银行:大型科技公司因人工智能备受青睐Hang Seng TECH Index rose by 2.7%, with strength in AI and media sectors. MING YUAN CLOUD surged over 16%, while CHINA LIT increased by almost 10%.光通信核心器件,光芯片需求迎来全面爆发英伟达超算机:定义 AGI 算力集群FSD, ushering in the second half of intelligent electric vehicles?港股下半年有望反弹,但需等待真正增长 “抓手”比亚迪李柯:美国目前不在考虑范围内,没必要进入每个市场周鸿祎:国内大模型已经基本赶上或者接近国际水平Will AI replace human labor first in the education industry? American version of "Homework Helper" starts layoffs.美股期权 | 甲骨文期权成交激增六倍,多头押注特斯拉升向 260 美元Will the Fed "skip" the rate hike? Focused on tonight's heavy CPI data.三星电子开发大模型以提高员工生产力AI 浪潮下的另一个大赢家:甲骨文!Text generates music! Meta has just released the "ChatGPT of the Music World", and it's still "open source"!较去年低点涨逾 20%,越南股市收盘或创年内新高特斯拉 12 连涨,除了无人驾驶,它也是核心因素重磅周前美股 “牛气冲天”! 资金无惧消息面重压疯狂涌入比亚迪执行副总裁李柯:因《通胀削减法案》,美国市场不在目前考虑范围内“AGI 政治家” 奥特曼?恒生科技翻红,软件、内房股走高,合景泰富涨近 8%* 美银证券降华虹半导体评级至「跑输大市」目标价下调至 20 元谷歌 “赚钱机器” 引发欧盟反垄断指控 或面临 80 亿欧元罚款马斯克回应 “人工智能拯救世界”:我们已经是半机器人了RS MACALLINE Sells Itself and Rises AgainIntel Is In Talks To Be An Anchor Investor In Chip Designer Arm'S IPO - Bloomberg NewsWood Sister holds heavy positions in these four AI stocks, expecting Tesla to rise by 750%.Isolated signs of capital market recovery seen by CEOs of Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley - is spring coming to Wall Street?