Earnings Report Preview | TENCENT's Q2 Profitability to Improve, Advertising and Financial Technology Accelerate RecoveryFOMC Member Harker: The Fed may be at a point where it can maintain interest rates unchanged.阿里达摩院 2024 校招提前启动,招聘人数超越历年 ,6 成岗位要求博士学历Six years, eight times! Eli Lilly surpasses Johnson & Johnson to become the world's largest pharmaceutical stock by market value.Pre-market trading in US stocks | Chinese concept stocks and US stock futures decline, Arm plans to IPO on the NASDAQ Composite Index in September, Moody's downgrades ratings of multiple banks.大行速睇 | 小鹏评级、蔚来美股目标价齐获上调!腾讯为何遭 “砍价”?7 月的车市,出乎意料的火热 | 见智研究Li Auto's impressive Q2 earnings report, why did the stock price drop before the market opened? Unable to escape the "delivery curse".LI AUTO-W Earnings Report in One Picture | Record-breaking Quarterly Revenue and Performance Outlook! LI AUTO-W could be the new energy vehicle company with the highest gross profit margin in the second quarter globally!Earnings Report Season Falls Short of Expectations, Analysts Predict 8% to 10% Decline in US Stocks!Earnings Report | LI AUTO-W Expects to Deliver Over 100,000 Vehicles in the Third Quarter, Gross Margin Rises to 21.8%Germany's July inflation cooled as expected! Will the European Central Bank pause rate hikes in September?South Korea's so-called breakthrough in superconducting technology has been refuted by American counterparts, causing a sharp drop in South Korean superconducting concept stocks.OpenAI 推出网络爬虫 GPTBot,但用户可以选择禁止被爬Li Auto's second-quarter report exceeded expectations, and the pre-market decline quickly narrowed.Biopharmaceutical company Vistagen rose 5% in pre-market trading, surging nearly 700% yesterday.恒生指数收盘跌 1.81%,碧桂园跌约 14%,碧桂园服务跌约 10%中央纪委国家监委发文,点名医疗卫生领域热门中概股美股盘前普遍走低Apple's stock price has started to plummet. Can it turn the tide with the iPhone 15?碧桂园两笔美元债票息未付,回应:出现了阶段性的流动性压力Li Auto is about to release its earnings report, and the key is the guidance for the third quarter.After a 70% plunge in valuation, overseas major shareholders of Ant Group are all withdrawing from stock repurchases!US Stock Options | Trading of bullish options on tech giants cools down, while trading of Berkshire Hathaway options surges threefold.苹果创新大年!消费电子将再迎大催化,或用到这些新技术台积电创办人张忠谋:中国大陆有办法反击美 “卡脖子”港股全线回调,恒生科技指数跌超 2%,碧桂园跌近 10%高盛:维持腾讯 “买入” 评级,目标价下调至 428 港元Entering August, the continuous decline! But why does the Hong Kong stock market still have opportunities for advancement?彭博社:多数投资者认为美国经济将衰退 47% 的投资者认为当前美国股市存在泡沫苹果豪赌 3nm 背后iPhone 15 is expected to debut in mid-September! The market is eagerly anticipating the revival of the "iPhone 6 legend".Li Zekai donated 20 million yuan to assist in disaster relief in Beijing, Tianjin, and other areas.华虹两三事新加坡股市 7 日报:扬子江船业放量上涨Hong Kong real estate stocks, why are they expected to welcome investment opportunities?Rare! Apple's "Five Consecutive Declines"! The key will be the iPhone 15, which will be launched on September 22nd.摩根大通首席股票策略师建议低配股票资产,称软着陆假设实属牵强Vistagen 股价大涨 700%:社恐药三期临床成功德国预计台积电将于周二批准在德累斯顿兴建芯片厂Electric bus manufacturer Proterra applies for bankruptcy protection, shares fall over 60% after hours.No economic recession means higher interest rates! Bank of America significantly raises expectations for US bond yields.