中国《生成式人工智能服务管理暂行办法》全文来了!国家网信办等七部门:对生成式人工智能服务实行包容审慎和分类分级监管小鹏汽车,起死尚未回生From 2 billion to 90 billion dollars, Buffett has cast an energy empire.特斯拉 Cyberquad 玩具车公布:定价 11990 元 最高时速 8 公里 满电行驶 13 公里"Premium of Certainty"! Global mainstream institutions embrace the "Barbell Strategy"易纲发文!人民币千点大反攻淘天集团回应 “取消 P 序列”:改革是一定的也是必需的,方案仍在调研阶段Fidelity International: End of Rate Hike Cycle, Short-Term Bullish on US StocksTesla in talks with India to set up factory with up to 500,000 annual capacity - report淘宝天猫启动重大人力体系改革:取消 P 序列,P8 以上改为组织任命港股彻底疯狂:B 站涨超 8%,快手、美团涨 6%,恒生科技指数涨近 4%!传冬海集团已解散旗下投资部门京东大模型正式揭晓:言犀,预计 8 月正式上线美团开始灰度测试直播一级入口亚马逊 “Prime Day” 诱人折扣吸引消费者出手,电器和玩具销售畅旺“木头姐” 继续减仓特斯拉,卖出逾 2 万股新加坡股市 12 日报:胜科海事成交量连续第二日狂飙,价格大涨美媒:饮料品牌 Liquid Death 聘请高盛计划明年春季 IPOMcDonald's China Owners Carlyle, Trustar Plan $4 Billion Exit- Bloomberg NewsHas the hot trend of AI in the US stock market started to fade? Retail investors are beginning to distance themselves from AI.英伟达向生物技术公司 Recursion 投资 5000 万美元,用于人工智能药物研发牛津经济研究院:标普 500 可能短暂突破 4500 点,但不会持续太久美国通胀降至 3%,美联储紧缩政策拐点或近在眼前U.S. antitrust enforcer says will appeal loss in fight to stop Microsoft buying ActivisionThe S&P 500 hits a 15-month high, with Chinese concept stocks leading for three consecutive days, and offshore RMB approaching 7.16 yuan.亚马逊陷入「中国式内卷」:TikTok、SHEIN、Temu 兵临城下Goldman Sachs "crazy hint": Second-quarter performance will be difficult to look at, fearing to lag behind peers.中国国务院总理李强主持召开平台企业座谈会Learning from History: NASDAQ Composite Index Adjustments, Who Are the Losers and Winners?"Like Intel ten years ago!" Citi is optimistic about NVIDIA: will occupy 90% of the AI chip market share中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理李强 7 月 12 日下午主持召开平台企业座谈会,听取对更好促进平台经济规范健康持续发展的意见建议。小鹏高管质疑理想周销量榜:小鹏汽车数据是假的,无需每周公布销量炒作Comparable to human doctors! Google Medical AI's large model "shows its skillsAudi in talks to buy Chinese automaker SAIC's EV platform -sources大行速睇 | Netflix 目标价获大幅上调!小鹏、比亚迪被视为行业首选Hang Seng Index rose for the third consecutive day, closing up 1%. Technology stocks performed strongly, with BILIBILI-W rising 6% and Keep gaining 0.28% on its first day of listing.前瞻 | 三个月跌了 12% 的腾讯,为何二季度或有出色表现?