Is the valuation of technology giants too high? It's still worth betting on in the long run!Why is there still room for growth in the short term for US stocks?欧洲支持、美国否决!欧美对待 ESG 有了微妙变化?阿里云大模型上新!AI 神器「通义听悟」公测中:长视频一秒总结,还能自动做笔记、翻字幕Technical Analysis | Tesla Returns Above $200, Should We Take Profits?Now Nvidia is comparable to Tesla at its peak market value: it's out of control!更快、更便宜!Sam Altman 最新访谈透露 OpenAI 下一步计划,目前 GPU 短缺是最大瓶颈US Stock Options | Amazon's forward put deals are active, Intel and Sofi options trading surges fourfold.Unfolding the Big Model: Alibaba, Tencent's AI AmbitionAI 掀起 “算力革命”:英伟达之后,AMD 也要放大招!警惕!港美股投资者为何必须关注美国债务上限危机?罗永浩能救京东直播吗?Hong Kong tech stocks finally rebound: rose as much as 5%, while MEITUAN-W, TENCENT, and Alibaba are all up!国产创新药连续 “闪崩” 追踪:一天蒸发近 60 亿的贝达药业是否被错杀君实 PD-1 出海再进一步 | 见智研究解决 AI 落地的最大障碍,OpenAI 找到办法了?美股跌,AI 概念股多回调,但纳指 5 月累涨近 6%,油价盘中跌 3%全球 Q1 新能源车销量激增 28%,特斯拉比亚迪 “双雄争霸”618 火爆开场,京东平台 3C 数码仍为主力, 淘宝天猫为 “好货好价” 提供更多展示机会Target price of $140! Analyst: Amazon is the first choice for internet stocks.Hong Kong Stock Strategy: Use Mid-Term Estimation to Defend Against Big Drops, Wait for Tech and Internet Stocks to ReboundLongbridge Dolphin will cooperate with Tesla, and its market value will surpass that of General Motors! Wall Street upgrades Ford Motor's rating and target price.美团闪购:“超级门店购物节” 首场直播 1 小时 iPhone 销售额破亿Nvidia to collaborate with Intel? TSMC and Samsung Electronics may not be pleasedBig Moves | Microsoft + OpenAI, at least a $40 increase in market value? Netflix target price gets raised!恒大财富:本月可用兑付资金不足 无法按原标准兑付科技股后续涨势如何?花旗与巴克莱策略师持相反意见瑞银:美股估值仍然高企苹果 “脆弱” 的印度野心,Copy 中国能成功吗?Pre-market US stocks | Nvidia, AMD, TSMC fall 1.5%, the House of Representatives will vote on the debt ceiling agreement tonight, and Faraday Future Intelligent Electric releases FF 91 2.0 version.瞄准 “超级富豪”!摩根大通成立新资管部门,专门服务 “拥有 4.5 万亿美元的 700 个家庭”Technical Analysis | Why is Nvidia, which costs $400, already profitable to liquidate?苹果 AR/VR 头显可能配备 “不可思议” 的高端屏幕恒生科技收跌 2%,微博跌近 7%,石油煤炭、内房股领跌南向资金合计净卖出 3.87 亿港元Buffett Increases Stake in Western Petroleum Again! Berkshire Hathaway Holds Nearly One-Quarter of SharesHP's performance is poor, but it is embracing artificial intelligence!从苹果到英伟达!一图看懂全球 8 位万亿美元市值俱乐部精英美国 SPAC 借壳热背后的 “猫腻”:高管和内部人士套现 220 亿美元,留下投资者一地鸡毛Like Nvidia but Don't Want to Buy Its Stock? Try This Options StrategyUS Stock Options | Bullish bets on Tesla rising to $220, options for Nvidia and Palantir Tech double in volume.AI 热潮不只有英伟达木头姐:软件股是下一个目标时隔数年 日本最大啤酒酿造商朝日啤酒拟重返中国市场