Amid the Hong Kong stock market hitting a six-month low, which industries offer the best value for money?Reference to the US Internet bubble in 1999, should we worry about today's AI technology stocks?Big Moves | Nvidia and PDD Target Prices Significantly Raised! MEITUAN-W Suffers Violent "Price Cut"Nvidia launches AI supercomputer, with Microsoft, Alphabet-C, and Meta Platforms as first users.老黄携「超级 GPU」炸场!E 级 AI 超算性能飞升,买越多越划算,谷歌微软 Meta 抢先试用MEITUAN-W fell too badly! How does the market view it?MEITUAN-W plunges 8%! Despite good performance, the market is not buying and is still selling.恒指跌超 1%,电力涨幅居前,长城汽车跌约 4%,网易一季报后涨超 7%英伟达 CEO 黄仁勋:AI 意味着每个人都可以成为程序员英伟达放 “大招”:当 AI 真正融入,游戏会变成什么样子风投成 “张一鸣们” 抵御焦虑的良药?英伟达大动作引爆游戏板块,行业新一轮爆发在即?US Stock Options | Tesla, Nvidia, and Amazon options trading volume doubled, tech stock call options unusually active.赣锋锂业逆势再买矿 Temu has a strong momentum, with PDD leading the e-commerce industry. How much room is there for further growth?GPT 现状终于有人讲清楚了!OpenAI 大牛最新演讲爆火,还得是马斯克钦点的天才Growth stocks are killing value stocks! Is the frequent new high in the US stock market blind optimism or serious underestimation?港元拆息全线向上 一个月拆息连升两日瑞信:上调网易目标价至 199.95 港元 评级跑赢大市从一个机型到一个产业,C919 开启中国航空新时代市场对 AI 的狂热几乎支撑着整个股市 分析师们怎么看?阿里云智能 CTO 周靖人:MaaS 已成行业标准,未来应用都将围绕模型开发Nvidia Ace For Games Sparks Life Into Virtual Characters With Generative AI摩根士丹利:下半年看好中国国内消费股,因就业市场料好转放下骄傲!微软是如何豪赌 OpenAI 的?Hong Kong stock risk premium is already high! What does it mean?日经平均股价指数盘中升至 1990 年 7 月来最高新加坡股市 26 日报:新加坡电信遭大规模抛售,成交量暴增换血华润系后,金种子酒尚未凭渠道杀出网易港股开盘涨超 7% 一季度净利同比增加超 50%美债务上限僵局终打破!哪些美股有望获得提振?Breakfast | Debt ceiling agreement eases market concerns, Alibaba DAMO Academy researches GPT-4 as data analyst.美联储 6 月加息 25 个基点的概率为 66.5%AI 一周见闻:华尔街看多英伟达至 600 美元,服务器需求再次被点燃;Meta 开源多模态 MMS;多巨头喊话大模型要监管 | 见智研究美债违约危局:初步协议达成,但警报远未解除美团入港,意欲何为?胜算几何?长江证券:全球视角下 A 股、港股、美股分红有何差异?国产 ChatGPT「套壳」的秘密,现在被找到了一季报里的新旧美团巨星传奇通过聆讯:高度绑定周杰伦,还与刘畊宏合作 年营收降 6%微软:全球超过 10 亿用户正在使用 Windows,Win11 是有史以来最可靠的版本