阿里巴巴-SW 高开逾 3% 将于今日放榜 机构指 23 年消费复苏有望带动阿里电商业务回暖立讯精密:苹果的夏天,消费电子的冬天苹果头显系统名称曝光,MR 设备发布时间渐行渐近谷歌的新 AI 模型植入来了!广告业务、YouTube 创作者都将迎来变革Breakfast | Tesla reportedly proposes building a factory in India, users report issues with OpenAILG 新能源已组建一个新团队,专门开发 4680 电池经济日报:强化平台经济常态化监管业内人士:随着人工智能大模型时代到来 云计算服务的模式和格局或将生变报告显示美国市场安卓用户转投 iPhone 的比例升至五年来新高用大语言模型 “练兵”!亚马逊新品未上 AI 新功能,但预告 Alexa 今年有长足进步AI 最令人担心的地方是什么?这是微软 CEO 的回答李彦宏最终还是造手机了盘初纳指一度转跌,腾讯 ADR 低开高走,美国地区银行股带头反弹腾讯 Q1 电话会:AI 基础模型方面进展良好 腾讯云降价系成本下降 直播电商发展空间巨大价格战后,油电汽车平价时代 2023 年提前到来Worried about the impact of AI on employment? These US stocks need attention.Wall Street's "Smart Money": Buying Nvidia and AMD like crazy, but selling Alibaba and JD.com!比亚迪也玩起了金融Target price of $170! BIDU-SW is expected to outperform the industry in various businesses with the help of AI.Pre-market US stocks | Tesla considers building a factory in India, TENCENT Q1 employee count drops by 2,000, SHEIN raises $2 billion in financing.Big Moves | Alibaba May Increase Dividend Significantly, Stock Price Could Rise 70%? BIDU-SW Target Price Gets Raised!浙商银行 30 亿股份被 “瓜分”,险资、信托各得其所Smart Investment! Two Hedge Fund Titans Bet Big on Alphabet-CSHEIN 据悉在新一轮融资中筹集 20 亿美元、估值 660 亿美元,目标今年营收增长 40%Understanding 13F | Crazy buying Alphabet-C, Microsoft, Amazon, clearing PDD! "Tech stock hunter" also bought Nvidia.OpenAI 主动 “暂停” GPT5,谷歌这个模型将成全球最强,AI“高风险功能” 将被开启?Rare! This year, the NASDAQ Composite Index outperformed the Dow Jones Industrial Average by more than 18%, the largest margin since 1991.腾讯公布一季报 绩后欧市及大股东 Prosus 股价双双走软只保护美国储户!硅谷银行 “亚洲客户” 实惨 存款一夜归零阿里 “扫地僧” 还俗了腾讯一季度员工减少超 2000 人,近一年员工减少近 1 万人Earnings Report is Out | TENCENT Q1 Revenue Reaches 150 Billion, Strong Recovery in Online Advertising and Financial Technology阿里云中国区总裁黄海清:超过 2000 家伙伴在通义千问上测试腾讯:正大力投入建设人工智能的能力和云基础设施US Stock Options | BIDU-SW Options Trading Volume Triples, "Southeast Asian Tencent" Sea Options Trading Volume Increases Sixfold.美国证监会主席警告:下一场金融危机或由 AI 引发港交所年内完成并对外公布创业板具体改革建议Wall Street praises "AI+ Intelligent Cloud": Bullish on BIDU-SW, inflection point of cloud business is coming!香港特区政府欢迎立法会通过《2023 年印花税条例草案》美联储干啥都慢!马斯克吐槽:之前加息太慢 几个月后降息一样慢“AI 孙燕姿” 火了,苹果新版系统将 “AI 你自己”Lying down to make money from chip business, is Apple going to lose out?