存款 “降息”,下周一实施!中国 5 月 15 日起全面恢复口岸快捷通关派拉蒙宣布在多部门裁员,将关闭有 36 年历史的 MTV NewsBreakfast | Alphabet-C releases AI language model PaLM 2, BIDU-SW tests AI search dialogue function.AI 考公考编指日可待!微软华人团队发布全新基准 AGIEval,专为人类考试而生对标 GPT-4!谷歌发布大语言模型 PaLM 2,可在手机运行,云、搜索、电邮等一网打尽!半夜也能交易!Robinhood 开美国券商先例,用户可 24 小时买卖个股和 ETF南向资金持续抄底,多只港股 ETF 份额创历史新高迪士尼上季度流媒体亏损大幅收窄但订户数逊于预期,盘后跌超 4%美国经济不利、AI 大战太烧钱,微软今年不给全职员工加薪纳指涨超 1%,道指跌超 320 点后接近转涨,地区银行股指数三日连跌赚大了!接盘硅谷银行的第一公民银行上季度净利环比增长 36 倍丨财报见闻盘中跌超 20%!“狼王” 伊坎公司刚被空头做空、就遭司法部调查理想:当打、能打,新势力一哥范拿捏了The expected June rate hike by the Federal Reserve has cooled down! US stocks rise, and the US dollar falls 60 points.Surge 85%! Biotech trades non-stop, CTIC receives $1.7 billion acquisition两大车企巨头联手了李想:新一线是 30 万元以上的 SUV 销售主力区Meta 大动作!开源多感官 AI 模型,不仅能看会听,还能 “感知温度”Pre-market US stocks | Upstart surges 35%, Airbnb falls 13%, Affirm falls 8%! Alibaba continues to be listed on Goldman Sachs' buy listQ1 营收、销量、利润均创历史新高,理想撑起新势力半边天 | 见智研究今年以来美股最大 IPO,Kenvue 是什么来头?Big moves | Why did TENCENT's target price get lowered? Alibaba still has 66% room to rise?US STOCKS-Futures lower as focus shifts to inflation dataOpenAI, why does it need to raise up to $100 billion in financing?Earnings Report is Out | LI AUTO-W Surges 6% in Pre-Market Trading, Q1 Profit Turnaround YoY, Gross Margin Improves QoQ理想 Q1 营收 188 亿元同比翻番!净利润 9.3 亿元实现扭亏 | 财报见闻The US April CPI will be released tonight. Will it meet the expectations of the Fed?欧洲地产暴雷?瑞典商业地产巨头 SBB 降级至垃圾级、停止派息后股价暴跌港交所陈翊庭:港交所将推动多项市场制度改革 持续拓展和优化互联互通机制阿里文娱数字人厘里亮相 BEYOND ExpoIs it time for small-cap stocks in the US stock market?福特中国或将裁员超 1300 人Rivian Automotive rose 5% in pre-market trading! Maintains full-year production target, surpassing Lucid and Fisker.据报淘宝天猫已完成架构调整中国创新药出海的第三种模式 | 见智研究US Stock Options | Apple, Alphabet-C Call Trading Active, Paypal, Palantir Options Trading Amplified Six Times李云泽同志任国家金融监督管理总局党委书记一图回顾美股科网泡沫时代:为何谢幕来得如此迅速?一图看懂 | 微软 + OpenAI 投资时间线!股价最高涨超 150%美联储会否按下加息 “暂停键”?聚焦今夜这一重磅数据Review | The only stock that has increased 500 times after the dot-com bubble! Why Nvidia?需求 “前所未有”,美股龙头大涨,AI 数据分析又成爆点?OpenAI 发布炸裂研究:让 AI 解释 AI 黑箱,人类无法理解,语言无法描述