欧盟拟推监管草案,美国科技巨头云服务数据须在欧盟存储和处理日本政府拟设置 “AI 战略会议”Deepmind 联合创始人:未来 5-10 年,AI 将使大量白领沦为 Loser亿纬锂能匈牙利电池工厂成功购地,将投资 10 亿欧元供货宝马“中特估” 五大核心指标Longbridge Breakfast | US CPI May Trigger Severe Stock Market Turbulence, New AI Tool Sparks Palantir Tech Stock Surge微软 365 Copilot 重磅更新:新增语义索引,自动生成 PPT 图片中信建投:以 “中特估” 为代表的价值股重估还有空间,但纵深演绎会开始分化普洛斯计划出售部分中国资产,目前正在尽职调查阶段汇丰控股委托 Morgan Stanley 回购总值最多 20 亿的普通股量化基金磨刀霍霍,高盛警告称:美股波动性将升高,股价未来更容易陡然下跌CPI 将至系好安全带!高盛和摩根大通:标普可能涨超 2%,也可能跌超 2%道指挣扎转涨最终失败,地区银行股指数连跌两日,油价跌超 2% 后转涨大数据公司 Palantir 新 AI 工具火爆,需求前所未有,股价涨超 20%领英加入科技公司裁员队列,中国业务将停止服务,影响 5700 万用户美股盘初齐跌,道指尝试转涨未果,地区银行股多数下跌Be careful! This indicator of the US stock market is at its weakest in history.英伟达独霸时代结束?ChatGPT 引爆谷歌微软芯片大战,亚马逊也入局The Power of Tesla's Price Reduction: Lucid Loses $40,000 in Revenue per Vehicle!Wall Street's 19 Most "Hated" US Stocks!瑞信明星分析师 Zoltan Pozsar 离职了Open AI 创始人推出加密数字钱包 AppPre-market trading in US stocks | Chinese internet companies are all down, OpenAI's website traffic reached 2% of Alphabet-C last month, Palantir Tech surged over 18%, while Lucid fell 9%!Big Moves | Apple's Target Price Gets Another Boost! Why Does TENCENT Still Have 45% Upside Potential?In the AI boom, is Amazon AWS falling behind Microsoft Azure?
Just now, the NASDAQ Composite Index emerged from the bear market! Only the S&P 500 index is left.特斯拉价格战熄火,四月 8 家车企电车销量破 2 万高兴的太早?摩根大通警告:美股 “至暗时刻” 尚未结束!"Zhongtegu" - Hong Kong's New Core Asset?公众对美联储主席鲍威尔的信心降至纪录新低Will the US stock market continue to rise? Apple and Amazon are expected to make efforts.Looking ahead | Or this year! TENCENT's gaming, advertising, financial, and payment businesses are all experiencing accelerated growth!US Stock Options | Amazon, AMD Call Options Active, FuboTV Options Trading Volume Increased Fivefold特斯拉否认换代 Model3 即将国产恒指午后急跌,再度跌穿两万点,中芯国际重挫 6% 领跌蓝筹股芯片概念港股走弱 中芯国际两周跌近 20%ChatGPT 访问量再创新高:百度的 60%,谷歌的 2%生成式 AI 对上市公司们意味着什么?AI 时代的 “Killer App”,一文了解向量数据库是什么Prospect | Alibaba's core e-commerce business is expected to rebound! But the market is most concerned about: Tongyi Qianwen, "1+6+N"!快手电商全年拿出至少 600 亿流量激励商家达人协作港股 “中特估” 进行时中国 4 月出口同比增长 8.5%,进口同比下降 7.9%