Preview | Microsoft Azure's growth rate may slow down again! But the market focus is still on AI.Even without a "disastrous" earnings season, would the S&P 500 still fall 15%?香港证监会向十家证券行发出限制通知书冻结与疑似社交媒体 “唱高散货” 骗局有关的客户帐户圣塔菲学者:AI 大语言模型真的理解人类语言吗?两张图看懂 | 美股未来一年,为何喜忧参半?!US Stock Options | Tesla, Nvidia Puts Active, Ford Motor, Activision Blizzard Options Tripled可持续专栏 | 蚂蚁 1 亿种树真能挡住沙尘暴吗? 谁能想到?!今年最惨的股市竟然是...Earnings Preview | Meta Platforms Expected to Report Flat Q1 Revenue, Significant Decline in Net Profit新能源大泡沫何去何从?从复盘中展望电动车行情牛熊演绎Short-term value, medium-term growth! Has the risk preference of foreign investment in Hong Kong stocks changed?香港恒生指数下挫 2%,恒生科技指数跌幅加速扩大至 4%,哔哩哔哩、万国数据重挫 6%豪赌的代价:末日期权日均亏损超 35 万美元Preview | Microsoft, Alphabet-C, Meta Platforms, Amazon! Heavyweight financial reports of technology stocks are coming this week. What does the market care about the most?央企中特估 选 A 还是 H?特斯拉股东联名上书!要把马斯克赶下台?恒生科技指数深跌近 3%,CXO 概念重挫,药明生物领跌蓝筹把谷歌排除在外?微软支持的组织推动美国为 AI 监管立法AutoGPT star 量破 10 万,这是首篇系统介绍自主智能体的文章Longbridge Breakfast | Wall Street warns of US stock risks, Alphabet-C launches AI system focused on cybersecurity日韩股市高开英国将出台新法律,遏制大型科技公司扼杀数字市场竞争的权力美媒:ESPN+ 流媒体负责人将在迪士尼最新一轮裁员中离职Netflix 将大幅提高对韩剧、韩影等内容投资,未来四年达到 25 亿美元美国一联邦上诉法院裁定苹果赢得与 Epic Games 的反垄断诉讼美国第一共和银行一季度流失存款近 720 亿美元,宣布裁员 25%强生旗下 KenvueIPO 定价 20-23 美元/股 估值约达 400 亿美元11 家大行力挺后,第一共和银行 Q1 存款仍超预期剧减 41%,盘后跌超 20% | 财报见闻美联储 5 月加息 25 个基点的概率为 98.9%苹果在与 Epic Games 大战中获 “彻底胜利”,App 商城规则维持不变摩根大通:低波动性掩盖了股市存在的风险不担心银行业危机?企业 “自己人” 买入美股人数创十个月新高Target price of $100! Medical giant Medtronic receives "buy" rating这个被微软高看的中国 AI 研究院,是何方神圣?After the Fed stops raising interest rates, will US stocks rise?Compared to Microsoft and Alphabet-C, does Amazon have more potential in AI competitions?Investment opportunities in "China Concept Stocks" in Hong KongPre-market US stocks | Tesla raises capital expenditure expectations, CLOUD MUSIC sues Blizzard for refunding 300 million debt, TSMC raises salaries by 4%-5% this year.“云端三巨头” 微软、谷歌、亚马逊本周齐发财报,AI 必成焦点Financial Report Preview | Microsoft's Cloud Business Expected to Slow Down in Q1, AI Expenditure and Outlook are the FocusBig Moves | Concerns over Profit Margins, Tesla's Rating Downgraded! Could BIDU-SW's Performance Exceed Expectations?!MEDIA-网易起诉暴雪要求退还 3 亿元欠款,称后者拒绝承担玩家退款义务 -- 一财行业空间超四千亿美元,阿里或用它发力 AI 大模型瑞信 “最后一份财报”:一季度 “失血” 不止,资产净流出近 690 亿美元!