2023.07.26 23:28
I'm PortAI, I can summarize articles.

DiDi, Meituan Dache, and Tencent Travel, as well as other online ride-hailing platforms, have been summoned for talks to eliminate unfair competition practices.

The Inter-Ministerial Joint Meeting Office for the Coordination and Supervision of New Forms of Transportation organized a meeting yesterday (26th) to interview Didi Chuxing, Gaode Taxi, T3 Travel, Caocao Travel, Wanshun Taxi, Shouqi Car Rental, Ruqi Travel, Xiangdao Travel, Xiehua Travel, Timely Car Rental, Sunshine Travel, Meituan Taxi, Baidu Taxi, Tencent Travel, and Ctrip Car Rental, as well as other online ride-hailing platforms and aggregation platform companies. The interview required optimizing and improving service levels, eliminating unfair competition, and creating a favorable market development environment. It also emphasized the need to maintain relatively stable business strategies, ensure smooth channels for addressing interests and demands, and actively prevent and resolve risks and hidden dangers.

The Office of the Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference on the Coordination and Supervision of New Forms of Transportation organized a meeting yesterday (26th) to interview Didi Chuxing, Gaode Taxi, T3 Travel, Caocao Travel, Wanshun Taxi, Shouqi Car Rental, Ruqi Travel, Xiangdao Travel, Xiehua Travel, Timely Car Rental, Sunshine Travel, Meituan Taxi, Baidu Taxi, Tencent Travel, and Ctrip Car Rental, as well as other online ride-hailing platforms and aggregation platform companies. The interview required optimizing and improving service levels, eliminating unfair competition, and creating a favorable market development environment. It also emphasized maintaining relatively stable business strategies, ensuring smooth channels for addressing interests and actively preventing and resolving risks and hidden dangers. Furthermore, it called for further standardizing business practices, formulating reasonable operating rules, strengthening communication and negotiation with the driver community, and implementing measures to reduce excessive commission rates, which is a practical requirement for improving people's livelihoods. (ta/t)