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2023.07.17 05:50
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US Stock Options | Trading volume of options for Nvidia and AMD triples, while options trading for JPMorgan Chase and Citigroup surges threefold.

Last Friday, Tesla options trading volume nearly doubled, Nvidia options trading volume nearly tripled, and Alibaba call options trading volume accounted for 85%. JPMorgan options trading volume tripled, with call options accounting for nearly 75%.

Last Friday (July 14th), the US stock market fluctuated and the three major indices showed mixed results, with banking giants releasing their financial reports.

Top 10 US Stock Options

Last Friday, technology stocks showed mixed performance. The top 10 US stock options in terms of trading volume were: Tesla, Nvidia, AMD, Amazon, Apple, Nikola, Coinbase, Microsoft, Meta, Google A, AMC Theatres, and JPMorgan Chase.

Tesla rose more than 1%, with a trading volume of 3.48 million contracts, nearly double the daily average. The proportion of bullish options trading was 63.4%.

Nvidia fell more than 1%, with a trading volume of 2.54 million contracts, nearly triple the daily average. The proportion of bullish options trading was 57.6%. Among them, the most active were bearish options with strike prices between $455 and $470.

AMD slightly rose, with a trading volume of 1.48 million contracts, nearly triple the daily average. The proportion of bullish options trading was 68.4%.

Amazon slightly rose, with a trading volume of 1.17 million contracts. The proportion of bullish options trading was 68.4%.

Apple slightly rose, with a trading volume of 900,000 contracts. The proportion of bullish options trading was 64.4%. The most active were call options with a strike price of $190.

Nikola rose more than 1%, with a proportion of bullish options trading at 89% and a proportion of bearish options trading at 64.4%.

JPMorgan Chase rose 0.6%, with a trading volume of 400,000 contracts, triple the daily average. The proportion of bullish options trading was close to 75%.

Alibaba fell more than 2%, with a trading volume of 360,000 contracts. The proportion of bullish options trading was 85%.