2023.06.15 08:55
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AI Search "图穷匕见"! Alphabet-C to Disrupt Amazon and MEITUAN-W

Alphabet-C search has evolved! After searching, you can see the AI-organized answers at the top of the page snapshot without paging or clicking external links. When searching for restaurants, you can directly see reviews, and when searching for speakers, you can directly see AI-provided purchase recommendations. Judging from Alphabet-C's AI product roadmap, it is not difficult to find that Alphabet-C is trying to become a local life and shopping portal, and has the ambition to take everything.

Although Alphabet-C's AI chatbot Bard briefly fell behind in the competition with OpenAI&Microsoft, Alphabet-C is quietly accumulating big moves in its core search engine business.

On Wednesday local time, Alphabet-C's Search Generative Experience (SGE) experiment unveiled multiple new features, with the demo scenarios being travel and shopping.

According to Alphabet-C's release, when users search for information about a location on Alphabet-C (such as "Is this restaurant suitable for a date?"), Alphabet-C will display key information such as user comments and destination photos in a snapshot at the top of the page, without the need for users to scroll down or click external links to get the answer.

When users search for a product, Alphabet-C will also display product descriptions, buyer reviews, and purchase recommendations at the top of the page. Clicking on the corresponding link will take users directly to the shopping website to place an order.

From Alphabet-C's AI product roadmap, it is not difficult to see that Alphabet-C is trying to become the entrance to local life and shopping, and to take on all ambitions.

Rany Ng, vice president of Alphabet-C's search department, said that the content of the webpage snapshot in SGE will come from Alphabet-C's proprietary data, including detailed information on over 200 million locations and 35 billion products worldwide.

He wrote in the release of the new features:

"The improved SGE can provide you with useful insights for your work, so you can spend less time planning and more time enjoying your travels. And if you need to compare prices for something you need to buy for your summer trip, the generative AI in search will be particularly useful."

Alphabet-C also said that the company will introduce sharing features in later updates, allowing users to share AI-generated search results with friends and family.

The Alphabet-C SGE feature is currently being tested on a small scale and is only available in the United States.