2023.04.13 13:48
I'm PortAI, I can summarize articles.


Warren Buffett, aged 92, recently visited Japan and responded to hot topics such as the US banking crisis and investment in Japan. He stated that the banking crisis has not yet passed, but depositors will not face a crisis. He also mentioned that selling bank stocks is not a negative view of the industry, but rather a cooling of sentiment towards the sector. He still favors Bank of America. Buffett intends to increase his investment in Japanese stocks and has already increased his stake in the five major trading companies to 7.4%, the largest investment by Berkshire Hathaway outside the US, planning to hold these investments for 10-20 years. Although Berkshire Hathaway significantly reduced its holdings in TSMC in the fourth quarter of last year, he still believes it is a company that creates overwhelming profits in the semiconductor industry with good operational status. Buffett has repeatedly stated at shareholder meetings that he lacks good investment opportunities, and Berkshire Hathaway has large amounts of cash on its balance sheet, which may make the soaring US stock market too expensive for him. Berkshire Hathaway's portfolio has also changed actively over the years – by the end of 2019, the market capitalization of the financial industry in its portfolio still ranked first, but with the further expansion of the market capitalization of the technology sector, especially its top holding, Apple, the proportion of technology holdings has reached 45% in 2022, surpassing financials (27%), and followed by the consumer sector (12%). It is also worth noting that since last year, Buffett has continuously increased his bets on Western Oil, which has significantly increased the proportion of energy stocks in the overall portfolio. Since there are no good investment opportunities in the US, Buffett has started to invest overseas. In fact, in the past, Buffett had made large-scale investments in the Asia-Pacific region.

近日 92 岁高龄的巴菲特到访日本,并针对美国银行危机、投资日本等热点话题做出了回应。



打算增加对日本股票的投资,已经将其对五大商社的持股比例提升至 7.4%,并表示这是伯克希尔在美国以外的最大投资,计划持有这些投资 10-20 年;




从伯克希尔整体的持仓行业分布来看,巴菲特也在积极拥抱变化。一直到 2019 年底伯克希尔重仓股中金融行业的市值占比还稳居首位,但近两年随着信息技术的市值占比进一步扩大,尤其是头号持股苹果,2022 年科技的持股占比已经达到 45%,超越金融(27%),随后才是消费板块(12%)。

