China Finance Online
2024.07.27 00:55
I'm PortAI, I can summarize articles.

"Daughter" publicly criticizes father Musk: cold, irritable, narcissistic, openly lying to millions of viewers

Elon Musk's daughter, Vivian Jenna Wilson, publicly criticized him, calling him cold, irritable, narcissistic, and a liar to millions of viewers. Wilson responded to Musk's comments about her transgender identity, stating that Musk was not deceived into signing transgender-related documents. She expressed that Musk is an unsupportive father to her, often scolding her and forcing her to behave more masculinely. Wilson emphasized that she is an adult and does not want to be defined by Musk

Recently, Tesla CEO Elon Musk, in an interview, talked about his child's gender transition, stating that "X Æ A-12 is 'dead'" and strongly criticized the so-called "awakening mental virus".

On July 25th local time, Musk's "daughter" Vivian Jenna Wilson (formerly known as X Æ A-12 Musk before transitioning, now no longer using her father's surname) gave her first interview in response to Musk's comments about her and her transgender identity.

Wilson publicly criticized Musk, describing him as "indifferent, irritable, lacking in compassion, and narcissistic", and stated, "If you openly lie to millions of viewers about me, I won't let it go."

On July 22nd local time, Musk stated in an interview that Wilson "is not a girl" and claimed, "I was basically tricked into signing (trans-related) documents for my eldest son." Here, he refers to Wilson as his son.

He also mentioned that "X Æ A-12 is 'dead'".

According to NBC, on the 25th, Wilson responded in the interview saying that Musk was not deceived, he hesitated at first, but he knew what he was doing and agreed to the treatment. The treatment required the consent of the child's parents.

Wilson pointed out that Musk's recent remarks crossed the line. "I think he thought I wouldn't say anything and would let this matter pass unquestioned. I won't do that because if you openly lie to millions of viewers about me, I won't let it go."

She recalled that from her earliest memories, Musk was not a supportive father to her. She said that despite having joint custody, Musk rarely appeared in her life, and she and her siblings were cared for by their mother or nannies. When Musk was around, he would scold her.

"He is indifferent, irritable, lacking in compassion, and narcissistic," Wilson evaluated Musk in this way.

She pointed out that when she was a child, Musk would attack her for displaying feminine traits and force her to behave more masculinely, including forcing her to lower her voice as early as elementary school.

Wilson stated that she hasn't spoken to Musk in about 4 years and refuses to be defined by him. "I want to emphasize one thing, I am an adult. I am 20 years old this year, not a child anymore, and my life should be defined by my own choices."

NBC stated that Musk did not respond to requests for comment.

On the same day, the 22nd, Musk also posted on the social platform X, stating that Wilson "was born homosexual, has mild autism, these two characteristics led to gender dysphoria".

Musk mentioned that at the age of 4, he knew because she would describe certain clothes as "fabulous" and enjoyed musicals. NBC pointed out that these behaviors conform to certain stereotypes about homosexuality However, Wilson stated in an interview that none of this is true, although she did exhibit femininity in other aspects when she was younger.

Reportedly, on the 25th, Wilson also posted on the social media app Threads, saying, "He doesn't know what I was like when I was young because he wasn't around me at all. During the short time he was around me, I was constantly attacked for my feminine traits and queerness."

Earlier reports indicated that during an interview on the 22nd, Musk once again strongly criticized the so-called "awakening mental virus." Musk believes that almost every child will go through some form of identity crisis, which is just a part of growing up, and adults are likely to manipulate those children with identity crises into believing that their gender is wrong and they need to undergo gender reassignment.

He emphasized that teenage gender reassignment is clearly evil, and anyone advocating for this process should be imprisoned.

For some time now, Elon Musk has been harshly criticizing the "awakening mental virus," describing it as a threat to "modern civilization." According to a report in The Wall Street Journal in December 2023, he even stated that these concerns prompted him to decide to acquire the social media platform Twitter (later renamed "X")