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2024.05.08 01:44
I'm PortAI, I can summarize articles.

Xiaomi Civi 4 Pro is rumored to launch a special edition, possibly themed around Disney princesses!

According to foreign media's analysis of the HyperOS source code data, it is revealed that the internal model "N9" and internal codename "chenfeng" of Xiaomi Civi4 Pro will have a derivative model called "Xiaomi Civi4 Pro Disney Princess". From the name, it is not difficult to guess that this device will likely be a new collaboration between Xiaomi and Disney in the Civi series, with Disney Princesses as the product theme, launching a special edition of Xiaomi Civi4 Pro

來源:Now 新聞

小米旗下 Xiaomi Civi 系列曾推出過不少別注版手機,像去年發表的 Civi 3 就先後跟全球人氣 IP 迪士尼米奇老鼠、勞蘇熊以及 Sanrio 旗下 Hello Kitty 聯乘推出手機產品。

據外媒拆解 HyperOS 源代碼數據,得知內部型號「N9」、內部代號「chenfeng」的 Xiaomi Civi4 Pro,將擁有名為「Xiaomi Civi4 Pro Disney Princess」的衍生機型。從名稱顯示不難猜想,該款裝置將頗大機會為小米與迪士尼在 Civi 系列上新一輪合作,並以迪士尼公主作為產品主題,推出 Xiaomi Civi4 Pro 別注版新作。

文中後續進一步提到相關 HyperOS 源代碼拆解內容,指出該款可能已在小米內部定案的 Xiaomi Civi4 Pro 迪士尼公主別注版手機,主題人物或為 Snow White 白雪公主以及 Evil Queen 格林海德皇后(壞皇后),現階段尚未確認兩者會否同時出現在單一機款,抑或分別為同一系列兩款不同手機選擇,有待廠一方公佈資訊。