OpenAI Altman's Ambition: Raising $7 trillion to Target the "Chip Pain Point" of AI!

2024.02.09 04:07
I'm PortAI, I can summarize articles.

This fundraising scale is larger than the issuance of government bonds and large sovereign wealth funds in some major economies, and even surpasses the entire global semiconductor industry in terms of scale.

After the launch of the groundbreaking AI product OpenAI, Sam Altman is now seeking to raise trillions of dollars to reshape the global semiconductor industry landscape.

According to media reports on Friday, insiders revealed that OpenAI is in negotiations with investors, including the United Arab Emirates, to raise trillions of dollars in funds. The goal is to enhance global chip manufacturing capabilities and better promote the development of artificial intelligence in the company.

One insider stated that the project may require raising as much as 5 to 7 trillion dollars.

This scale even surpasses the global semiconductor industry, with global chip sales reaching $527 billion last year and projected to increase to $1 trillion annually by 2030. According to industry organization SEMI, global semiconductor manufacturing equipment sales reached $100 billion last year.

From the perspective of corporate fundraising standards, the amount discussed by Altman is also enormous, surpassing the national debt of some major economies and large sovereign wealth funds. The total amount of corporate debt issued in the United States last year was approximately $1.44 trillion.

Insiders pointed out that Altman proposed establishing partnerships between OpenAI, various investors, chip manufacturers, and power suppliers. They will jointly invest in establishing chip foundries, which will then be operated by existing chip manufacturers. OpenAI will become a significant customer of the new factories.

Against the backdrop of the surging demand for artificial intelligence, concerns about chip supply and the power required to operate chips are growing. The demand for AI chips from industry leader NVIDIA has always exceeded supply.

Altman's goal is to address various factors that hinder the development of OpenAI, including the scarcity of AI chips for training large-scale models. Altman often complains that there are not enough GPU chips to support OpenAI's pursuit of general artificial intelligence.